Case Study


Read how Adesso utilized ilert to streamline their incident management process for effective alerting which resulted in a 100% customer satisfaction.

About Adesso

Adesso is one of the largest German software and IT services companies offering innovative solutions for businesses including software development, consulting, and implementation of digital solutions.


IT services and consulting

Nr. of Employees:

> 9000 employees

Years using ilert:

2 years

The Challenge

In the event of incidents, alerts were communicated to the teams through email notifications. Due to the high volume of daily incoming emails, this approach proved inadequate, resulting in critical alerts getting lost amidst the daily email influx. This had significant implications for Adesso including delayed response times for resolving errors, and even unmet service level agreements. Keeping the customer's best interests at heart, Adesso team actively sought out a better solution.

The Solution

Adesso was looking for a solution that can alert the right team at the right time on multiple channels. Being able to incorporate a technically solid system that encompasses the needed features, all while maintaining a simple user experience was key. After thorough consideration of various options, Adesso decided to opt for ilert given its:

  • Simplicity in design and intuitive UI/UX
  • Multichannel alerting including: SMS, phone calls, WhatsApp and Telegram
  • Cost savings
  • Mobile app
  • GDPR compliance

The Results

Implementing ilert resulted in the following:

  • Critical alerts were promptly and effectively communicated to the on-call team
  • Peace of mind and confidence in managing incidents
  • Effective incident management process
  • Compliance with the service level agreements was guaranteed
  • 100% Customer satisfaction
Other teams are now checking whether they would also use ilert.

Thilo Maass

Manager at Adesso AG

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