ilert Terraform provider

Manage your incident response through code

Automate the setup and management of your alert sources, escalation policies, and on-call schedules directly within your Terraform infrastructure code.

What is it?


ilert Terraform provider allows users to manage ilert resources programmatically using Terraform’s infrastructure as a code approach. By integrating ilert with Terraform, organizations can automate the setup and configuration of their incident management and alerting workflows within their broader infrastructure management practices.

Streamline DevOps with ilert Terraform Provider for Rapid Incident Response

ilert Terraform provider facilitates integrating incident management configurations directly into the infrastructure provisioning process, making it an essiential tool for DevOps and SRE teams looking to streamline their operations and ensure rapid response to incidents.

Control alert sources

Automate the creation and configuration of alert sources that define how alerts are triggered within ilert.

Configure escalation policies

Define and manage escalation policies that specify how alerts should be escalated to different team members or groups.

Use connectors and alert actions

Launch automatic actions in other applications when issues occur.

Set up schedules

Automate the creation of on-call schedules, ensuring that the right team members are notified at the right time during incidents.

Define support hours

Manage the priority of alert notifications and route calls to different targets depending on the days of the week.

Establish status pages

Update them automatically or manually with a single click.


Six Reasons to Implement IaC

What are the benefits of treating incident management configurations as part of an infrastructure as code project?

Version Control

Changes to incident management configurations can be tracked over time. This allows teams to understand who made a change, what was changed, and why it was changed, improving accountability and traceability. If a new configuration causes issues, teams can quickly revert to a previous version, minimizing downtime and impact on operations.

Consistency and Standardization

By defining incident management configurations as code, you ensure that the setup is consistent across different environments or projects, reducing the chances of configuration drift. Standardized templates and modules can be created to enforce best practices and policies across all incident management setups.

Automation and Integration

Automating the setup and changes to incident management tools allows for seamless integration into CI/CD pipelines, reducing manual efforts and speeding up deployment cycles. Incident management configurations can be updated in tandem with infrastructure changes, ensuring that alerting and on-call schedules are always aligned with the current state of the infrastructure.


As the infrastructure grows or changes, running incident management configurations as code makes it easier to scale up or make adjustments without significant manual overhead.

Security and Compliance

Credentials and sensitive information can be managed more securely using secret management tools integrated with the infrastructure as code workflows.

Knowledge Sharing

Developers, operations and security teams can collaborate more effectively on incident management configrations, as the code can be reviewed and shared – within a team or across the whole organization.

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