Accelerate the speed of incident response

Say goodbye to alert overload, level up your incident communication, and simplify post-mortem analysis with ilert AI.

End-to-end Incident Management

One add-on that covers every stage of the incident response

Stay Focused

No more alert fatigue

ilert AI combines similar alerts into one based on alert content. You can adjust the similarity threshold and determine how alike alerts must be before they are considered duplicates. Additionally, with customizable event filters, you can process only desired events into alerts.

Always Up-to-date

Status updates in no time

ilert AI, trained to comprehend your system and incident nature, delivers clear, timely updates during incidents. You can focus on incident resolution as our AI expertly drafts effective communications. ilert AI ensures professionalism and boosts your team’s efficiency by determining the relevant services and their impact level.

Streamlined Incident Analysis

AI-assisted post-mortem creation

Combined with our ChatOps features, the AI gathers all the relevant information from the incident chat channel and the alert timeline. It then automatically synthesizes and structures this information into a thorough and concise post-mortem document. We aim to make the post-mortem process less burdensome and more insightful for your teams, leaving you with more time to focus on implementing the improvements identified in the post-mortem process.

Create a follow-the-sun schedule with two sites: the EU and the US. Teams rotate weekly.
Here you go!
Easy On-Call Planning

On-call schedule assistant

Share your scheduling requirements in a messenger-like interface and let ilert AI handle the rest. Include your team members’ names, rotation frequency, and times, and you’ll be provided with a ready-to-use calendar available for all team members included.

Our Al commitment

At ilert, we’re not just utilizing AI—we’re dedicated to advancing its impact on incident management. We believe in the transformative power of generative AI and are committed to pioneering its application throughout the incident response lifecycle.

We pledge to:

  • Continuously explore how generative AI can streamline and improve every stage of incident response.
  • Harness not only the capabilities of OpenAI’s API but also integrate open-source technologies, leveraging the power of diverse AI advancements to build custom models designed to be used during incident response lifecycle.
  • Prioritize your privacy in every step. We’re developing the most privacy-preserving solutions that make responding to incidents easier without compromising the confidentiality of your data and operations.

This commitment reflects our forward-thinking approach and our promise to deliver the most innovative, efficient and secure incident management solutions.

Ready to explore the benefits of generative AI in incident management?
Activate your no-cost trial today.
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