
What is AIOps?

AIOps, Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations, is a methodology that combines artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics to enhance and automate various aspects of IT operations. The term represents a new approach to managing the complexity and volume of data generated by modern IT environments. There are myriad technologies applied in AIOps already; here are the key ones:

Big Data Analytics handles large volumes of structured and unstructured data from various sources, ensuring a comprehensive analysis.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) helps process and understand human language, which is useful for analyzing logs, documentation, and human-to-human communication in chats and support tickets.

Machine learning (ML) algorithms detect unusual patterns or behaviors in IT systems, identifying potential issues before they escalate. ML models analyze historical data to predict future incidents, enabling proactive management.

AIOps in Incident Management

The AIOps methodology has been heavily implemented in incident management procedures and shapes new approaches to responding to critical issues. Here are a few components already executed within the ilert incident management platform.

Intelligent alerting. Alert fatigue is still a common problem for IT specialists. ilert AI reduces noise by analyzing alerts and grouping them, depending on their content, or can help filter and drop alerts that meet the same criteria.

Automated remediation. AIOps-driven features can automate typical tasks and responses to certain types of incidents. For example, AI can automatically update status pages, providing information on services involved in the incident. This speeds up the incident response procedures and, accordingly, reduces the Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR).

Faster learning. AI-assisted features take the burden of manual tasks, like documenting the incident after it is resolved. AI can scan all incident-related communication and describe taken actions in seconds to prepare a concise postmortem document for further improvement. 

Does Every Company Need to Implement AIOps?

At ilert, we recommend to consider implementing AIOps for your IT infrastructure under the following circumstances:

  1. Increasing complexity. Consider AIOps implementation if your IT infrastructure grows in complexity and size, making it difficult to manage with traditional tools. Or if your company deals with vast amounts of data from various sources that must be analyzed and correlated.
  2. Need for operational efficiency. AIOps can be leveraged to optimize resource allocation by automating repetitive tasks and reducing manual work.
  3. Resolving incidents takes too much time. High MTTR stresses the need for more effective root cause analysis and improvement in incident response procedures. 

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