Case Study


Learn how IKEA achieved lower MTTR and MTTA while reducing human intervention and increasing team confidence after adopting ilert.

About IKEA

A global home furnishing brand that brings affordability, design, and comfort to people all over the world. Founded in Älmhult, Sweden, in 1943, today IKEA has 482 stores in 63 markets across the globe.



Nr. of Employees:

219,000 employees

Years using ilert:

3 years

The Challenge

As a multinational corporation with teams dispersed worldwide, IKEA faced a persistent challenge in efficiently and effectively managing and alerting production teams about incidents.

This alerting process was based on a custom developed solution and heavily relied on human intervention to promptly notify the relevant teams. Moreover, it was missing a mobile app for responders.

Recognizing the need for a solution to automate this process and save time, Ikea started looking for an end-to-end incident management tool, and ilert made it to the shortlist.

The Solution

Following a comprehensive selection process, IKEA opted for ilert as their incident management tool.

The main features:

  • Alerting
  • On-call management & escalations
  • Incident communication & status pages
  • Call routing
  • ilert mobile app

The Results

By implementing ilert - an end to end incident management solution for alerting, on-call management and status pages - the team achieved:

  • Lower MTTR: Improved metrics especially lower MTTR as teams can respond and solve incidents faster.
  • Time Saving: Thanks to various automations, the team feels they are saving a lot of time using ilert.
  • Simplified Process: The process feels simpler and easier to manage for the teams.
  • Increased Confidence: Teams feel less concerned about being on-call and have more confidence meeting SLAs.
  • Improved Visibility: Teams have better visibility on incidents and traceability for on-call duties.
ilert has helped Ingka significantly reduce both MTTR & MTTA over the last 3 years, the collaboration with the team at ilert is what makes the difference. ilert has been top notch to address even the smallest needs from Ingka and have consistently delivered on the product roadmap. This has inspired the confidence of our consumers making us a 'go to' for all on call management & status pages.

Karan Honavar

Engineering Manager at IKEA

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