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How to Import Existing ilert Resources into Terraform

A comprehensive guide on how to add your existing incident management configurations to your Infrastructure as Code project

Daria Yankevich
Aug 28, 2024 • 5 min read

Welcome to our detailed guide, which will help you incorporate your current ilert configurations for incident management into Terraform. Here, you will find a step-by-step tutorial to import your existing ilert resources to the Infrastructure as Code project and recommendations from our engineering team on best practices to maintain consistency across your infrastructure and incident management processes.

If you are yet to start incorporating IaC practices in your organization, we recommend beginning with this ilert Terraform provider overview.

What problem do we solve?

The most common case is when users start their journey with the ilert incident management platform through the user interface and incorporate their established setup into Infrastructure as Code practices later. The ilert UI is typically more user-friendly and intuitive, making it quicker for engineers to create and configure resources like alert policies or on-call schedules. For instance, when experimenting with different settings or making quick changes, using the UI is faster and more straightforward than writing and applying Terraform code. On the other hand, once a resource configuration is stable and well-understood, engineers might prefer to codify it in Terraform for better consistency, version control, and automation across different environments.

Even companies utilizing ilert with IaC practices for years might use a combination of ilert UI and Terraform based on factors like ease of use, the immediacy of needs, the complexity of resource management, and the team's experience level with Terraform. The hybrid approach allows flexibility during initial setup phases or when manual intervention is necessary, while Terraform is favored for long-term consistency and automation.

So, it's perfectly fine that not all your ilert resources are already a part of your Terraform project. However, importing existing resources into an IaC project might be a bit tricky. Common problems are duplicates (newly created resources) in Terraform instead of the import of existing ones or errors like

Error: Bad request: api respond with status code: 400, error code: ERROR, message: The email '[]' is already used by user 1234567

Let's see how to import existing ilert resources smoothly and avoid these issues.

Step 1: Identify an ilert resource ID you want to import

Let's see how to import an alert source created in the ilert interface into Terraform. Start with identifying a unique ID. You can do it directly in the UI or by using the API. 

Method 1: Via ilert UI

  1. Log into your ilert account and navigate Alert sources in the top menu.
  2. Find the alert source you want to import from the list or use a search field.  
  3. Click on the alert source's name to view its details. Then navigate the URL: Copy the numbers at the end; this is the ID you need.

Method 2: Via API

  1. Ensure you have an API key that can be generated from your ilert account settings under the API section.
  2. Make a GET request to the ilert API:
  3. The API response will be in JSON format and include all alert sources' details, including their IDs. Look for the "id" field.

Step 2: Setup a Terraform block

In Terraform, a "block" refers to a section of code that defines a specific piece of configuration. Blocks are the building units in Terraform configuration files. Each block usually starts with a keyword that specifies what type of resource or setting you are configuring, followed by the details of that configuration enclosed in curly braces {}.

In your Terraform configuration file (e.g.,, you would define a resource block for the alert source. 

resource "ilert_alert_source" "example_alert_source" {
  name        = "Critical Server Alerts"
  integration_type = "API"
  escalation_policy_id = 1234  # Replace with the actual escalation policy ID
  auto_resolve_timeout = 900   # Time in seconds before automatically resolving the alert

  email_notification {
    email = ""

  sms_notification {
    phone_number = "+1234567890"


Step 3: Execute the Terraform Import

In your terminal or command line, navigate to the directory containing your Terraform configuration files. Then, execute the following command:

terraform import ilert_alert_source.example_alert_source <ALERT_SOURCE_ID>

"ilert_alert_source.example_alert_source" refers to the Terraform resource you defined in your ".tf" file. Replace <ALERT_SOURCE_ID> with the actual ID of the alert source from ilert that you noted earlier.

Note that while in 99% of the cases, the import keys (identifiers) are the same as the entity’s ID, they sometimes might differ. You can find the import description at the bottom of each resource in the ilert Terraform provider's documentation.

Step 4: Complete the Configuration

After importing, Terraform knows about the existing alert source. However, the configuration file itself might not have all the details yet.

Execute a "terraform plan" to see what Terraform recognizes about the imported resource. This command will show you the current state of the resource compared to your configuration.

Based on the output of a terraform plan, update the resource block in your .tf file with the appropriate configurations. 

Following these steps, you successfully import an existing ilert alert source into Terraform, enabling you to manage it as part of your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) setup. This process helps maintain consistency, allows easier updates, and integrates the alert source into your version-controlled infrastructure management.

Best practices and recommendations

Should I generate all the ilert entities via Terraform? How do other teams automate setting up and configuring their incident management workflows within IaC practices? We addressed these questions to ilert's CTO, Christian.

Christian Fröhlingsdorf, CTO of ilert
Christian Fröhlingsdorf, CTO of ilert

"It largely depends on the company structure.

If you have a centralized Ops team that handles tasks such as user and team synchronization (via Terraform, API, SSO provisioning, etc.), then you could theoretically also consider having that team manage all other resources, especially policies, alert sources and alert actions.

However, we advise against this if there are independent responder teams. In our opinion, it’s best practice for team-relevant resources to be managed by the team members themselves. In larger organizations, we also see teams with DevOps skills who manage this individually through their own Terraform configurations, but some teams exclusively use the ilert UI.

In cases with responders who do not directly interact with the resources and only deal with alerts and incidents or in organizations where the number of alert sources remains manageable, we also see customers using complete Terraform configurations for all account resources.

There are even setups where Ops teams have fully automated the ilert onboarding, starting with assigning the correct escalation policy to alert sources based on, for example, Prometheus labels. Another example is DevOps teams submitting pull requests to the Terraform repository to provision themselves independently via GitHub actions.

Personally, I believe that centralized Ops teams also benefit when responders take responsibility for their own alert sources and services because this leads to greater engagement with the platform, which in turn results in better workflows and faster response times."


Ubidots: New IIoT Integration in ilert's Catalog

The seamless integration between ilert and Ubidots aims to streamline your operations, reduce machines' downtime, and improve overall efficiency.

Daria Yankevich
Aug 13, 2024 • 5 min read

We are excited to add one more integration from the Industrial Internet of Things realm to our catalog! The seamless integration between ilert and Ubidots aims to streamline your operations, reduce machines' downtime, and improve overall efficiency.

What is Ubidots?

Ubidots is an innovative Internet of Things (IoT) platform that allows users to collect, analyze, and visualize data from their devices and sensors. It offers tools for building IoT applications, including real-time data visualization, cloud-based data storage, and advanced data analytics.

Users connect their hardware with the Ubidots platform using HTTP, MQTT, TCP, UDP, or by parsing custom/industrial protocols. The service works equally well for managing one or a thousand devices. Ubidots has various use cases. For example, with its help, companies track air and water quality, monitor the location and status of valuable assets, optimize the consumption and production of energy resources, and much more.

How Ubidots' Users Can Benefit from the Integration with ilert

Imagine a manufacturing company using Ubidots to monitor the performance of their machinery. Sensors placed on critical equipment collect data in real-time, providing insights into operating conditions and performance metrics. By connecting Ubidots with ilert, an alert is sent out immediately through multiple channels when an abnormal pattern is detected—such as a spike in temperature or vibration indicating a potential failure. An on-call technician receives the alert via SMS and phone call, ensuring they are aware of the issue even if their phone is on mute. The technician can then respond swiftly, checking the equipment and performing necessary maintenance before a failure occurs. After resolving the issue, the team can review the detailed post-incident report generated by ilert to understand the root cause and take steps to prevent future occurrences.

The integration between Ubidots and ilert enhances the manufacturers' ability to respond to incidents quickly and efficiently. Here are a few key features of the integration.

Actionable alerts. When there is an issue with a machine or sensor, users of ilert integration for Ubidots receive real-time actionable alerts. They can accept or reroute an alert to another engineer without logging into ilert.

Live dashboards. Active monitoring becomes an intuitive and simple task thanks to Ubidots' drag-n-drop dashboards and its broad offer of widgets. Bring your SCADAs to the cloud and be in touch with your operation from anywhere.

Automated on-call management. ilert's eliminates the manual effort and errors associated with managing on-call duties. The schedules are always at hand, and users will never miss on-call duty with automatic reminders.

Status pages. Ubidots' customers can easily update stakeholders on the status of machines via ilert private and public status pages. ilert status pages communicate incidents on auto-pilot, and there are various authentication options for access fine-tuning, like passwordless email login or whitelisted IP addresses.

AIOps. For those with hundreds of devices and who deal with large amounts of alerts regularly, ilert intelligent alert grouping and filtering can help reduce alert noise and better allocate engineering resources.  

Integrating ilert with Ubidots brings a new level of efficiency and responsiveness to IoT monitoring and incident management. If you are new to Ubidots, start a free 30-day trial here. 

For more information on setting up this integration, visit our integration guide


Intelligent Alerting, Fewer Headaches: Insider View at ilert AIOps

The new add-on aims to reduce stress during incidents and helps manage them smarter.

Daria Yankevich
Aug 09, 2024 • 5 min read

You might have noticed that we released a series of AI-supported features last year. Intelligent alert grouping, developed to reduce alert fatigue, is the icing on the cake.

With it, we combined all ilert AI features in a new powerful add-on that aims to reduce stress and give more clarity during IT incidents.

This blog post will provide a complete guide on the features included in the brand-new AIOps add-on, explain how those features are built and function, and help you evaluate if it's worth investing in. 

How ilert Already Resolves the Problem of Alert Duplication 

Alert duplication happens when multiple alerts for the same issue are generated by different monitoring systems or redundant checks within the same system. For example, if a server goes down, alerts might be sent from the server's own monitoring tool, the network monitoring system, and the application performance monitoring system. This creates a flood of notifications for a single problem. As a result, IT teams become overwhelmed and desensitized to alerts. 

Alert fatigue increases the risk of critical alerts being missed or ignored, slowing down the incident resolution and potentially causing more significant issues if the underlying problem remains unaddressed. Managing alert duplication is essential to maintaining focus on genuine incidents and ensuring efficient incident response.

ilert itself is already one step towards reducing the impact of the alert noise problem. The platform provides centralized alert management by aggregating alerts from various monitoring tools, ensuring all alerts are visible in one place. Intelligent grouping is a new protective layer indispensable for teams managing vast volumes of alerts.

Intelligent Grouping: AI Looks Deep into Alerts

ilert's intelligent grouping feature employs a sophisticated approach to minimize duplication by deeply analyzing alerts' content. The AI looks beyond surface-level data, examining the context and underlying details of alerts to intelligently combine them into unified groups. 

This new approach is based on text embeddings models, a type of machine learning model that represents complex data as dense vectors of real numbers in a lower-dimensional space. Vector embeddings stand for words, sentences, or documents. They capture the semantic relationships between data points, meaning that similar items are placed closer together in the vector space. 

If an ilert user enables an intelligent alert grouping feature for their alert source, there is a whole new process running under the hood. 

How Does It Work?

There are four stages alerts pass when we enable intelligent grouping. 

1. Pre-Processing. Pre-processing involves normalizing and cleaning alerts. Being a centralized alert management platform, ilert already normalizes alerts across multiple alert sources into a common format. For intelligent alert grouping, we remove alert fields that are not relevant for grouping, e.g. timestamps or IDs. 

2. Vectorization. Each incoming alert is transformed into a vector. The model used in ilert is trained on large datasets and can capture a wide range of semantic meanings, making them suitable for encoding the information contained in alerts.

3. Adjusting to ilert deduplication logic. There are various adjustments to how exactly alerts are combined into groups. For example, ilert users can fine-tune when two alerts are considered duplicates by setting a threshold and previewing how their threshold would affect grouping based on past alerts. ilert AI will proceed with deduplication depending on how the threshold score is adjusted.

4. Feedback loop. We make it very easy to provide feedback on whether an alert was correctly grouped or not and use this feedback to further fine-tune and improve the deduplication feature.

Video: How to Enable Intelligent Alert Grouping

Our documentation contains text instructions on how to switch on the feature. We have also prepared a video tutorial for you. 

Event Filter: Get Rid of Unimportant Noise

Occasionally, marking alerts as low priority isn't sufficient, and it becomes necessary to discard events entirely. For example, Grafana's DatasourceNoData can be such an event. Therefore, you can set up one or multiple event filter groups for your alert source to ensure that only relevant events are processed into alerts.

The latest AIOps release introduces an advanced filtering option designed to streamline and enhance the alert management process. This new feature allows users to set an event count threshold on their alert source, coupled with a specific time window for triggering alerts. For example, you can define a condition such as: “Only generate an alert if there are 10 alerts within 5 minutes.” This threshold can be adjusted to match the criticality and frequency of events typical to your operational environment.

By implementing this event count threshold-based alerting mechanism, the system efficiently filters out inconsequential alerts, ensuring that only significant events prompt notifications. This selective alerting not only reduces the volume of alerts that need to be manually reviewed but also allows your team to focus their efforts on analyzing and responding to the most critical issues. 

When Everything is on Fire, Let ilert Speak

Incidents are an inevitable part of managing any complex system, and the ability to communicate effectively during them is crucial. That's why the AIOps add-on offers advanced features for incident communication. These include fast preparation of an incident summary and list of affected services so that engineers don't have to find proper words to update the status page. Additionally, the ilert AI assistance in post-mortem document creation is also included in the AIOps suite to help users cover a full life-cycle of incident response. Find more about post-mortem and AI-backed incident communication features in the blog.  

When AIOps is a Must-Have

To simplify your team's decision-making, we prepared a list of signals indicating that you need to use advanced AIOps features for incident management. 

  • Your team uses various monitoring tools that generate overlapping alerts.
  • Engineers are inundated with a large number of daily alerts, making it challenging to identify and prioritize critical issues. Your MTTA (Mean Time To Acknowledge) is too high.
  • Your team is relatively small and struggles to effectively manage and respond to the high volume of alerts.
  • A significant proportion of alerts are false positives, leading to unnecessary distractions.
  • Your team is struggling to distinguish between critical alerts that require immediate attention and non-critical alerts that can be addressed later.
  • Many alerts are generated by temporary, self-resolving issues that do not require intervention.
  • Engineers are experiencing alert fatigue, leading to desensitization and missed critical issues. 

We hope this list will be helpful for evaluating AIOps add-on for your organization. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact the ilert support team.

If you are curious about how all those AI features are built and function, we presented a thorough technical feature overview in Paris this summer. 

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